Saturday, August 16, 2014

Day 1

I stepped off my plane with a girl that had been an exchange student to Michigan and she helped explain and talk me through some of the issues I would have finding my family. When I walked through the gates I saw, not only my awesome host family, but Pauline! My heart was overjoyed at the realization that she had come to pick me up and brought a cowboy hat with her. :)

As most of you know, Belgium is famous for there waffles. I got the pleasure of having one immediately after I stepped off the plane with my host family and Pauline (the girl who sparked the whole idea of becoming an exchange student). While communicating was hard, if not nearly impossible at first, my family was gracious with my mistakes and helpful in guiding me around. The drive from Brussels to Liege was one of the longest drives of my life because I was so exhausted and overwhelmed by jet lag (it was 3am Texas time, 10am Belgium time) that I was having to force my eyes to stay open. I wanted to see the rolling green hills, the small cars, the Belgian people driving past us, the planes taking off, the animals on the side of the road, but I'm not gonna lie and say I didn't fall asleep... it was only for a minute though, so surely that's ok... right?

On the way home, we stopped to see my host mom at her salon (she's a hairdresser), and I imediately felt at home with her. We left the salon and arrived at home which is a tall, brown, two story building that has purple and grey everywhere. I brought my stuff up to my room, which has pink everywhere, and felt relieved and overwhelmed at the fact that I'd made it this far. My dad called me down to ask about lunch and I was relieved when he brought frites (fries) and a long chicken strip. There was sweet tea and meetballs too. :) After lunch, Vincent had turned the TV on so I sat down to watch it with them and the next thing I know I'd slept for 2 hours.

My family informed me that we were going to a birthday party at 8... I was slightly worried because I hadn't gotten much sleep and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to fit in or emmerse myself in the culture because of my exhaustion, but I stuck it out. I'd like to say that I would've stuck it out reguardless of wether I had to or not, but I'm not sure that I could. As we prepared for the party, I unpacked and did my hair. Shocker, right!? Livia pulled out a curler that was the best invention ever. You put a little piece of hair in it and clamp it shut and it pulls the hair through in a circle and beeps when it's ready! Why don't we have these in America!?!

We left the house at 19:30 (7:30pm) and went to Franca, my host moms, sisters house. Her sisters husbands name was Marc and I shook his hand, because that's normal in Texas, and they all laughed. :) It's so cool getting to see and share the differences in a culture.... We left their house for the party and ended up eating dinner at 22:00 (10:00pm) and stayed until 1:15... needless to say I was exhausted and could barely keep my eyes open but I wouldn't trade that experience for anything... I got to see and participate in Belgian dances, eat the best cake I've EVER had, and meet some incredible people. Overall, I'd say it was a very successful day. God is doing something BIG here, and I can't wait to play a small role in that....

Prayers for the language barrier would be greatly appreciated! Tout-a-l'heure

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