Thursday, September 4, 2014

Carre, Busses, Church, Holland, and Rotary!

The past two days have been full of blessings and laughter...
Chelsea and I attempted to go to the Carre around 1... but we ended up there at 2 because we got lost. I love getting lost. The memories that come from it are priceless. :) After missing a bus, we almost opted to call our host dad, but decided against it in the end. We went back the The Carre this week and it was so much better because we had friends that we started building relationships with. While I still don't agree with a lot of the decisions that go on there, I found myself loving the people in spite of it. I can honestly say that I love each of the exchange students that I have met, and I'm excited to see the relationships that are built and how God moves because of it.
I was able to go to l'eglise (church) with my new friends and felt just as welcome this time as I did on Sunday. Words can't express how thankful I am to be able to sing praises at the top of my lungues with people that strengthen me constantly. I'm beginning to learn French worship songs which makes me so excited and I'm caching onto the rhythm of things there.
Today, I went to Holland. It blows my mind that you can literally drive 20 minutes from my town and you're in a completely different country. How is that even a thing!? SO COOL!! Holland is absolutely stunning. The building are gorgeous and people ride bikes everywhere. The people that I mean (that doesn't mean they aren't) weren't as nice as they are in Belgium or Texas, which is perfectly fine, just different.

I had a rotary meeting tonight and since school starts tomorrow, I took a shower to make sure I was clean after the Holland voyage, and my amazing host mom (who's a hair stylist) dried my hair for me. I'm seriously so thankful for the little things like that... How'd I get so lucky? We were able to talk while she did my hair (mostly through expressions and miming) and laugh about things that I hadn't understood before. I'm in awe of the fact that I find so much joy in just laughing with her and the rest of my host family. It's little things like that realization that make me understand just how much I enjoy Belgium and how I'm falling more in love with it every single day. It gives me hope. God is so good.

I'm having one of the biggest battles in my mind right now. Like I know all this truth that the bible says, but good gravy I'm so overwhelmed with "I cants" and even though they aren't true and I know they aren't true, they are still overwhelming. But my God is victorious, and psalm 139 declares that He goes before me and follows me, so I will believe that He is already in that moment of fear and doubt. And in this moment of "holy guacamole I'm going to high school in a foreign country what was I thinking run fast" and every other moment between now and the rest of my life. And He is taking me to dance the greatest dance and love radically more than I could've ever thought or imagined. Because that is the God I serve and He is faithful. He is bold. He is victorious. So I will not fear, I will not doubt, and I will not loose hope. Because my God is bigger, and He has called me to something far bigger than I could ever ask or imagine.

Since my first day of school is tomorrow, I'm gonna post some pictures and stories and go to bed... Peace n' blessins fam :)
Statues in the Square

Being touristy

We ordered two dishes and split them... cuz how often do you get to go to Holland!?

One of the church's has a library in it!

The river (my favorite)

With my awesome Austrailian friend :)

One of the cute little streets :)

A school bus turned into a tour bus

This man reminded me of Opaline and her love for street performers... I stopped just for you, OP. :)

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