Saturday, July 22, 2017

Internship Update

First weekend in London!
Just under two months have passed since I stepped off the plane to begin my next journey. I arrived with the expectation that I would grow in my understanding of business abroad, broaden my network, and enhance my cultural understanding. However, I have done so much more than just worked during my time abroad. As with any experience abroad, I have lived life here. It is not simply just a vacation or a break from reality, it is my reality. With that being said, I now have one more day at my internship, and I wanted to provide you with a brief overview of my internship abroad.
The Hounslow Chamber of Commerce has put on many smaller networking events including the Chiswick Park Business Breakfast, Hounslow Business Lunch, Business Breakfast at the Bulldog (which has amazing English breakfast), and the Chiswick Business Lunch in my time here, as well as bigger events like the Summer Celebration where we had upwards of eighty people, and the International Trade Summit where SMEs gathered to hear from trade experts. I had the opportunity to help administrate and run the events mentioned above, as well as partake in networking with attendees. 
As I reflect over the past two months, I am made aware of the growth that has taken place in me. As I mentioned above, I am more confident in professional settings, but more than that, I am aware of the importance that relationships bring to the business world. I have become more prone to asking those I work with for advice and guidance as I prepare to embark on the journey ahead of me, and I have been met with encouragement and honesty from those that I have asked. They have approached me with a willingness to teach, but also a willingness to learn from my own experiences and opinions. However, with willingness comes accountability and authenticity as I continue to strengthen the relationships that I have built. Business, in its nature, is very driven and purposeful, however the people that conduct the business, are often just as prone to engaging in life events with the people around them as they are with other non-related companies and people. 
My boss has spoken often of generational gaps. He has observed the difference as two things; strategists and techies. Strategists plan the path that a company or business will take, and techies find more productive and innovative ways to achieve the same end goal. Stephen is working closely with businesses in the surrounding boroughs to bring forth opportunities for strategists and techies to work together to achieve an end goal, and has in turn created a sort of productivity that could not have otherwise been achieved.
While I cannot say that my internship will directly impact my major, however I will say that my experience here has enriched my knowledge and growth as a young adult and future businesswoman. I truly feel as though I am able to walk into any professional setting with confidence, and I hope that I will one day be able to return to England to do business as a permanent resident in the UK. I also hope to be able to use the connections I have made on the journey to project my career abroad and to continue building upon the ground work that I have laid and the relationships that I have made during my time here. I might not have learned what I thought I needed to learn, but I have no doubt that what I did learned is a step forward in my journey.

Sally Smith, Stephen Fry, and I at one of the Chamber meet ups

A view from my daily commute to work

Independence Day with the Chamber at Jackson + Rye

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